Żabka.pl – Wypiekane Pieczywo

UI/UX Design
Presenting the offer and the quality behind the Żabka products

The Wypiekane Pieczywo section on Żabka.pl was facing low user interaction and poor visibility, leading to missed opportunities in promoting fresh bakery products. The section's design lacked appeal and failed to engage customers effectively.

To solve these issues, we redesigned the Wypiekane Pieczywo section with a focus on boosting user engagement and driving conversions. We introduced a visually appealing, modern layout that highlights the freshness and variety of the bakery products. Interactive features like daily specials, personalized recommendations, and an intuitive browsing experience were added to entice users and encourage repeat visits. Additionally, we incorporated clear call-to-action buttons to streamline the purchasing process and increase sales.

The effect

The revamped Wypiekane Pieczywo section now offers an engaging and visually attractive experience, resulting in higher user interaction, improved product visibility, and increased sales conversions.

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